fresh review just bought the game 3 days ago almost finished

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
I haven't actually played Halo and Halo 2 so i am not gonna compare this to other halo games.

the good:
as you all know halo is a first/3rd person shooter,
the range of weapons are really wide,you can choose from human guns to
alien like weaponary,
what really caught my eyes was the greatness of the textures in this game,
you can find really amazing textures in this one,
the story is long,its not like other shooters out there with little story lines,the story is great(even though i have not played the halos before)
the buttons are really simple and you can get use to them really quickly,basically gamepad friendly,
i gotta say the soundtrack is really original,and simply beautiful,
great war vehicles,and control over them,

the bad:
the end was really weak,it ended up patriotic and stupid,the world was gonna end and all of a sudden the victory was for patriotic americans,seemed stupid to me.
on some missions you have to get to certain spots and all the way back,
indoor lights are not perfect in my view,
the story can get annoying if you haven't played the other two halos,
some enemies don't really have heads to shoot at,

overall:one of the best shooter games out there,
a must have game for xbox360,its worth playing.