It is now here...
Story: 8/10 Halo 3 takes place where Halo 2 left off. You crash land on a planet, and become best-friends with the Arbiter. I won't go into more story, but there is some twists and turns.
Gameplay: 8.6/10: The gameplay is very good. The duel-wielding is back and there is a use for the X-button. Your equipment. On Easy and Normal (i'll get into difficulty's later) they aren't useful, but on Hard and Legendary, you will need them. Now, on to the diffucilty. Easy and Normal are easier, and Hard and Legendary are HARDER! You can also play the story mode together with 3 other people. Now about the Xbox Live gameplay... I don't have Xbox Live... which is awful. There is also 2 new modes called Forge, and Theather. In Forge, you can create your own battleground on the 11 maps, meaning you decide where everything goes.
In theather, you can watch gameplay clips.
I'm ending the review early. I have to go somewhere, so sorry for not reviewing the graphics and AI. Also, sorry about the spelling errors.