The best FPS in years...
I haven't played Halo 2 yet,but after finishing the first one I was pretty confident that I'll understand what happens in the third.
Halo 3 is probably the 360's biggest title.It's a huge success and has sold millions of copies.That's great and all but this is mainly because of the 360's fanboys,which I must say are the most annoying of them all.But they were and still are right.Halo 3 is awesome.
Halo 3 let's you finish the thrilling story of Master Chief.He is the main character in the three games.For the fans it will be great to see what happens to Master Chief in the end.For me not that much as I haven't played the second game yet.
The best thing about the first Halo was it's atmosphere.I was impressed by the great feel I got from the game while playing and also there were some times when I felt I was right there with Master Chief.It happened again in Halo 3 but this time more intense.The game has a great atmosphere mainly because of the great sound effects.Everything in this game sound splendid.I have never seen,I mean heard anything like this ever before,except for MGS4.It is an outstanding game and deserves a lot of praise only for the great atmosphere it offers.But the game also has a great gameplay,which is as good as it can be in a console FPS.The AI is smart and will always be on the move to try to avoid your attacks.Not much has changed in the feel of how the game is played but the game is still extremely good.
I can't say much about the multiplayer as I haven't played it online but from what I hear it's the best online game,and I believe that.
Probably the only aspect of the game which didn't stand out is the graphics.They are not as good and sharp as they could have been.The weapons just look a little better then those in the first game but besides that they don't look,feel or even sound different at all.This is my main problem with the game,it doesn't bring so much innovation.
The story is great,the atmosphere is great,the sounds are top notch,the multiplayer the best.There is no reason not to buy this game.
My Score 9.1