Definitely a good game and highly addictive online play..

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Its sad to finally realize that this is the end to the popular halo trilogy. I mean this in a good way and a bad way. The multiplayer is always fun..i find myself saying ill play only one or 2 games then its time for homework or w/e and i end up playing for hours into the night. However the campaign isnt wat i would have hoped for. It starts off fun..and its fun for awhile..but once u play through the first time the only thing its good for anymore is getting the skulls or helping ur annoying friend who cant do it himself and begs u for hours to get him all the skulls or terminals. The multiplayer makes up for this in a big way. The down side to online multiplayer is that u always get those few that like to cheat to make themselves look good on a video game but with the ban improvements courtesy of bungie its happening less and less. Unfortunately that still doenst fix the problem were u get into an online game and a person has a bad connection or a slow connection and the game turns out glitchy and laggy, but either way even if u cant find satisfaction in matchmaking u can always try the new forge feature which u can spend hours and hours creating a perfect map for u and ur friends with ur own special tweaks and some suprises for ur predictable friends like a trap of some sort :P

All and all this game is among the few games worthy of the words epic game, and i believe that microsoft and bungie have done an incredible job on a good game. Id recommend this game to anyone, from somone who just got an xbox 360 to somone whos had one and is looking for a fun game.