Great game play, amazing story

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
We've all been waiting for it, was it worth reserving 6 months ago, damn straight it was. This game, although not revolutionary in game design, will leave you with that good old warm feeling of saving the Earth. The thing that makes the Halo series pop out from the rest is the story, at the end of the day, I care about the characters.

Graphics, at first you might be disappointed, this cut scene is terrible, but then it shifts into the game and smoothly. Personally I like that the graphics are more then over polished fillers in the game. A vast improvement over Halo 2, but not the pretty pretty graphics of a game like BioShock.

Game play, that's where it's at, it gives you that good old warm feeling I mentioned earlier. having just beaten the game, I got to say I cared what happened next, the reason I could put down the controller was because I wanted to know where each character was going next. Is it worth the $60 to see how the fight ends, yes, yes it is. Do yourself a favor, go out there and finish it ...