This game is a must have if you love good old fashioned multplayer fun!

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
The single player is to short like only 5-6 hours,Full of glitches, and the AI is bad for everything in the game. The things I liked about the single player was the co-op is somewhat fun, there are loads of achievements to unlock, and the graphics are good but not great. Multiplayer now we are talking it is so fun for this game I've ben playing multiplayer for a year and I still not bored of it. There are loads of map, weapons, modes, achievements, and vehicles to keep you playing. This game is something you should always take to a party. If you don't like multiplayer and only single player you should rent this game for a week first before you buy it.

Summary: The single player is ok but not great and short but the multiplayer is lots of fun and will never get boring. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I made.