Yet again, the Master Chief takes up arms to combat the unpeaceful universe. Just when you thought Halo could not do anymore then it had, behold Halo 3. There's really not much to say about this game other then the fact that it puts the other two to shame graphically. H3's graphics are uncomparable to the previous Halo's. The news article Halo 3 Graphics Evolved proves that by giving you screen shots from each Halo to show you how far they've come. I'm not going to stay on this topic much at all because its quiet apparent and assumed that the 360's graphical prowess trumps the previous XBox. So with that said onto the next topic H3's gameplay well, its the same, which i'm actually very happey about. The reason i'm happy is because instead of Bungie thinking "lets add this" or "lets add that to it" they just said "copy.........paste....done". There is no difference what so ever to H3 versus the other 2 so anybody who's even played the first Halo can jump right in and not miss a beat. The best part about Halo started with Halo 2, which is the multiplayer. Bungie realized very quickly with the first one that people were yearning for multiplayer with Halo. So to answer that they stuffed Halo 2 with tons of maps and multiplayer modes and people couldn't put it down. So what did they do with H3? They gave it even more multiplayer functions, "The Forge" where you can actually edit how the game plays right down to the very items that can be put into the maps and you can also edit on the fly. Having problems with too many weapons or your shields dont regenerate quick enough? No need to wait until the match is over, press the up arrow button and edit it while in the game. The Forge is by far the smartest aspect of multiplayer that any game has done and leave it to Bungie to figure out how to do it and make it work. In the end Bungie did there name proud with H3, they didn't try to make it different, they didn't try to make it new and improved, they simply made it Halo. There's no need to question whether or not to go out and buy this game because if you like FPS and you have a 360 and a heart beat then you should pick this game up. Even if you have never played Halo the game still helps the newbie's out at the beginning but don't take too long because that warthog hasn't got all day.
Positives + Loads of fun multiplayer features + Wide variety of futuristic weapons + Graphics look great + Epic soundtrack + Variety of fun to drive vechiles Negatives - Without LIVE you won't get nearly as mu... Read Full Review
Not quite as good as it was hyped up to be, but a good waste of 60 bucks. It is definitely a good game, so all you people that are calling it perfect don't get mad, but based on all the hype and CONSTANT advertisements, ... Read Full Review