The word "Awesome" doesn't even come close to describing this

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
I have to admit i'm not a big fan of halo games myself normally just playing through the single player and maybe a few times on live, this however, is something on the next level. The story mode is extremely enjoyful, not one boring moment in any of the nine levels. New weapons, equipment and vehicles are so much fun to play with and the graphics are well, truely awesome. The multiplayer is very addictive and I can see it lasting easily as long as Halo and Halo 2's had and perhaps even longer.

New features included in Halo 3 are fun to play around with and enchance the game further.

Overall, even though millions was spent on marketing the game, in my personal opinion it was well worth it and there is probably some truth in the following phrase:

"Forget game of the year, this is game of the decade!"