A relatively good campaign with a solid and extremely enjoyable multiplayer

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 comes to a conclusion in this third installment. It hasn't done anything spectacular with its formula since Halo 2, but if it ain't broke don't fix it right? One of the better parts of this game is that you, along with three other buddies have the opprotuntiy to finish this fight together. The difficulty of the levels have been tweaked to allow a softer landing for newcomers to the game, while those daring enough to take on legendary hit the ground running. The story unfolds rather quickly and doesn't give gamers much of a chance to really enjoy whats going on story wise before they're off shooting at brutes again, but hey, thats what halo is about. The shooting.

As far as multiplayer is concerned the game couldn't be any better. The weapons have been tweaked to allow for greater balance and enjoyability, while the maps provide excellent battle grounds. The saved film feature is awesome. This will undoubtebly provide hours of fun and replay value to this game.

All and all Halo 3 is a great game. Four player co-op plus the multi-player and it's saved film feature, Halo 3 has win written all over it.