"Believe" the hype, this games amazing! It is everything you would want in a FPS and a perfect way to end the

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Bungie had a near imposable task with making Halo 3. Coming off the cliffhanger from Halo 2, the huge hype and the over a million preorders this game had to be amazing. And it is! Everything about Halo 3 feels just right, you can tell Bungie took notes and used the information they got it the beta. It’s hard to talk about the story without giving any spoilers, but the campaigns amazing. It picks right up were Halo 2 left off and is non-stop action until the end. I'd recommend playing it on Heroic if you've played Halo before. To me the campaign was just as good as Halo 1's and that’s not easy. But with 4 player co-op and campaign scores I’d say its better.

From what I’ve played of the multiplayer it’s amazing. The levels are well designed and are all very different. The weapons are balanced and the matchmaking is perfect. There’s nothing more fun then sending clips and pictures of you pwning people. And the videos can really help you get better by watching what the best player on the other team was doing. From now on every time you go on you'll see the majority of your friends list on Halo 3. Some people just got an Xbox 360 so they could play Halo 3. If you own an Xbox 360 then you probably already went out and got Halo 3, but if you don’t you should really consider getting an Xbox 360 so you can play this game. This game is the definition of a system seller.

*** It makes me sick looking at all these fanboys who without even playing Halo 3 rush off and give these 1/10 reviews. Just because it’s not on your system doesn’t make it a bad game. But then again it’s a compliment to how good Halo really is if it gets fanboys this jealous that they have to write theses horrible reviews. There’s no FPS that can even touch Halo. And its multiplayer is the best a console has ever seen, with endless replay ability.