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User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
First of all I'd like to state the obivious, there's Halo fans and non-halo fans. What other first person shooter lets you re-watch the level you just played and take snapshots of the battles from any angle or perspective? GoW is constantly over the shoulder like GRAW whilst HALO 3 combines the aspects of First and 3rd like the 2nd and 1st titles. I aint even completed the game myself as I was more fond of the Forge mode, mucking around testing out all the new weaponry and toys like the flare and gravity jump. Spent hours playing clay-pigeon wart-hog and mongoose. You can't beat a good game of baseball with the rockets and gravity hammer on multiplayer..awesome I admit. Straight to the facts, the game picks up from were the 2nd left so all those new to Halo won't understand a thing of the history, they'll just see it as "OMG aliens invading earth, classic 1st-person shooter style" but the story goes deeper, there's books out there that thicken the plot and characters. Graphics are sharp running on my HDTV and sounds awesome through a surround sound system ( great moment, a grunt shouting "Im gonna get you big green man" something like that, fired a few rounds at his feet and he turned and ran screaming like I was 14ft tall rather than 7. It feels the same but it's not boring especially when your rolling in a convoy of wart-hogs out in the open, observing the nicely touched scenary before it all goes up $h!t-creek and you have to fight hordes of enemies....

Example 2 wart-hogs and 5-6 of those grunt bike looking things, 2 wraiths and 9 attempts and 8 deaths just to get past one point on normal. You have to think tacticly, well driving the wart-hog up the hill until your singing hali-ula out loud and flying like a heavy metal turd before jumping out, leaping onboard the wraith and planting a grenade down it's throat and watching it blow up whilst trying not to turn into wraith sushi as the next one comes charging up behind you. Enough said and done but it's a great game, I bought the tin-boxed edition, tonnes of profile pictures and 3 themes also. How can people diss a game like Halo 3....god only know's but I've played all platforms and own nearly everyone, im a happy young man who loves a challange like the feel and thought put in behind this ending chapter of the Halo series. It is master chief after all, the hero with no face but he's doing what sonic and mario did back in the day's of 8-16bit consoles just on a grander scale. Plus you can't compare GoW at all, two very different games, one just starting it's franchise whilst the other is ending. Looking forward to what Bungie has up thier sleeve in the next coming years, in the meanwhile BRING ON MASS EFFECT!!!