This is an awsome ending to the Human-covvenant strugle.I personally have enjoyed the entire storyline.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Since I first purchased halo:combat evolved 5 years ago,I didnt know what to expect,I was thrilled with the experience.Then Halo 2 came out,I loved that spare the ending,and now halo 3 has brought the war to a climax.Over the years I have continouisley played the Halo games and have enjoyed the multiplayer side of the game as well as the bullet hot campaign that people will never get sick of.I think the halo games will be played for years on end before even one player starts lagging playing it,but whats next?Halo wars is RTS and set before the halo games(FPS ones) though that is quite fun(Demo).Maybe a "Rescue the chief" expansion pack will be realeased.So in the end,Halo,we love you!