Buy halo 3 it is the best game ever it rocks it is better thab cod4 if you do not buy this game you need to get a life. it is the best game ever of 07. it should have won game of the year i play it more than 70 hours a week. Buy it everything is great the grapics, the game play, the voice work, the adventure, the weapons and so on and so on. this game is amazing and epic. It has a large ammount of diffrent enemys like the grunts, the jackels, the hunters, the brutes, the flood. The AI are smart besides the fact the mariens suck at driving. Speaking of driving this game features amazing driving sequenses and a lot of vehicles, they are fun to drive like the mongoose that vehicles is so fun to drive. This game isnt to hard it. Bungie was a smart company for making this great game. You can even find entertainment in the solit screen 2 player battles. Forge is very cool i love rebuliding maps.
Positives + Loads of fun multiplayer features + Wide variety of futuristic weapons + Graphics look great + Epic soundtrack + Variety of fun to drive vechiles Negatives - Without LIVE you won't get nearly as mu... Read Full Review
Not quite as good as it was hyped up to be, but a good waste of 60 bucks. It is definitely a good game, so all you people that are calling it perfect don't get mad, but based on all the hype and CONSTANT advertisements, ... Read Full Review