Take Halo CE and Halo 2 mix the best bits together then add some more kick ass features and also a next gen graphic upda

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Halo CE and Halo 2 both broke records and boundaries when they were first level of the and raised the bar for any other game in the same market also bungie have made one of the most interesting story lines ever !

So how will Halo 3 match the success of Halo CE great campaign and brilliant storyline and Halo 2 record breaking multiplayer? Well First of all Halo 3 broke some records of it own , it sold 4.2 million copies a day before it official release which is a world record , also it now holds the record for the highest grossing opening day in entertainment history , which it made 170 million dollars in the first 24 hours of it release ! so far so good for Halo 3 !

First of all when you get the game you have to finish the fight! The campaign is well though out and is very fun to play, u never find your self in the same area again and again like u did in the other two Halo games , the computer AI is very smart and can be quite a hard foe to kill some times ! The convent have changed there tactic because the elites are no longer with them instead u get the brutes which are very tough alough the brutes are very thick and don’t compare to the elites weapons or tech , but they are still very hard to take down ! The rest of the convent are just the same in terms of what they are good at !The story is excellent with a great ending !

Multiplayer is like halo 2 but with more weapons and more maps which is not a bad thing because there was hardly anyway they could improve Halo 2 multiplayer , the big different is that halo 3 u can edit the maps with a game mode called forge which will offer years of online multiplayer fun, also now u can watch your multiplayer matches back because it records every match u play or campaign level which u can save and upload to let other people watch u in action !

Overall this game is nearly prefect, I struggle to find anything u could improve !

Just buy the game !