Halo 3 delivers fast-paced action and great multiplayer that will keep you wondering what's next!

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
I bought my Xbox 360 in may 2008 with a copy of Halo 3 and I never thought I would love this game as much as I do! I had never played a Halo game before except once when I was 9 and I went to a Game-it Arcade with my friend. I had heard of Halo and how it was the "sensation" of the last 9 years or so and I thought I would give it a try. I never thought it would change my life the way it did.
I played the first level and I was hooked. The campaign is amazing, the multiplayer is flawless,and the graphics look beautiful. I was laughing throughout the campaign as grunts ran away yelling "He killed our leader!!" and brutes acting as if they can kill you. The voice acting was pretty good and it's always fun to sticky your fellow marines with plasma grenades and whatch them run screaming. The arsenal ranges from Assault Rifles to Fuel Rod Guns and from Energy Swords to Gravity Hammers! If you have never played Halo then play this one first, it's alot better than the other Halo games. BUY THIS GAME NOW!