A brilliant piece even if just a tad bit changed since the last installment. Hype or no hype, Halo 3 is an amazing game.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
I'm not going to rant about how good Halo 3 is. I'm not going to tell you about how I waited in line untill 1:00 in the morning to buy Halo. I'm gonna give you the facts. Ok so basically, your a geneticly enhanced super soldiger... Spartan 117 aka "John". Yea. Whatever. Halo is a FPS (First Person Shooter) where you kill aliens as you make your way through 10 diverse levels with a nice array of weapons. Theres mac guns, energy guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, sniper rifels, shotguns, grenades, 2 melee weapons... yea. Mostly Halo 2's weapons with a few new stuff thrown in. Yet I seem to not have much use for some weapons is the campaign portion. In fact, I went through the entire story on legendary without the help of the "SMG". New to the Halo universe is "Equipment". This does not include police tazers, yet it does have various shields, gravity lifts, and regeneration pods to get some health back. New. But mostly not useful. Yea so... you walk around some pretty stunning and detailed levels looking for crap to kill and/or blow up. And sometimes you look for hidden skulls, containing easter eggs (Weird secrets in a game) or effects to make the game even harder. (Enemies have 2x health, enemies throw lots of grenades, ect...) Vehicles are cool. Unless you are goin it solo and find out how your AI soligers would rather shoot at butterflies than a giant tank closing in on your position. And when you get in gunner seat they like slamming into rocks... hilarious... yet frustrating. I find it funny how if you shoot your comrades enouh times they will take it against you and try to kill you. This, is when the AI turns incredibly accurate. It's just the AI vs AI end up in disgrace. Ok so, Halo 3 has a short story mode but has good multiplayer. Including "Forge"...basically Halo + Garry's Mod. Fun. And of course deathmatch. Fun times. So do your sorry self a favor and get Halo 3 because it is deffinately worth it because of how replayable it is and the great multiplayer it has to offer. =]