A fulfilling sequel to a good series, and a better closer.
The multi-player deserves recognition too. Now, at the beginning of my review, I was basically bashing the Halo 2 multi-player. This will not follow suit. The Halo 3 multi-player is much improved from that of Halo 2. The weapons are more balanced (sword actually reqiures the user to be within about an arms length rather than allowing them to lunge across the map to kill them) and the weapons are much harder to aim (no noticeable auto aim). Beyond that, the users are much friendlier and aren't nearly so prone to trash-talk as those in Halo 2. The maps are actually more open than the cramped maps that we experienced in Halo 2. To make a long rant short, NO MORE CLOSE QUARTERS MATCHES IN SNIPER MATCHES! Bungie, thank you for bringing in larger maps for snipers like myself. It is a much needed change of pace. Also, bring back Hang 'em High for Halo 3 as DLC plz.
Anyway, really good game, just short of a 10 on my scale, but still worth the 60 dollars it cost. Hope those that haven't gotten it get it soon!