Really good, just not living up to all the hype.

User Rating: 8 | Halo 3 X360
This is my first time that I have bought any Halo game so you can expect a non-biased, non fanboyish review. My first thought of this game was that it was pretty fun, but there wasn't very much tactical combat in campaign or online. Just random running around in circles and watching out for your back. Though the good side is that there isn't ever a dull moment, always action.

I'll break it down now Campaign: Very challenging, and fun, but just lacks a sense of purpose in combat. Allmost like you're doing nothing but shooting your way through and no tacticalness.

Xbox live: Awsome online. But in team gametypes, there's not very much "team combat" to it. It feels more like a free for all, but with people you cant shoot.
The ranking systems are great and give you a reason to keep playing.


The file share, screenshot tool, and film clips tool are extremely cool. A really great extra. Forge is a good extra too, but needs to be more in-depth. The armor upgrades are a major reason to unlock Acheivments, even if you aren't a gamerscore whore. Totally worth it.


The achievements are pretty screwed up. Almost 90% of all gamerscore in this game is campaign achievments. If you beat the game on ledgendary, all you need to do is get a couple of online achievements and you'll have them all.

The final statement:

The Halo series is a great series, and I admit, Gears of War has stolen a bit of it's thunder and Halo 3 has put them up to speed. Though I must hand it to Gears for a better overall game.