Halo 3 is all that fans have come to expect from the series and more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Years ago I was a playstation 2 owner and nothing but, making me a sony faithful. When Halo first became a hit for the Xbox I was of course biased against it and hated it (having never played it of course). When I purchased an Xbox 360 I decided I would see what all the commotion was about, purchasing the Halo triple pack. Lets just say I had realized that my ignorance had cost me one of the best video game experiences of my life, the Halo series can entertain in multiple ways. It has a great story, a bad-ass main character, and an excellent multiplayer experience. So needless to say, I immediatley set my pre-order for Halo 3. Now before I write my review, I want to explain that video games are my life. I attach to video games like women attach to soap operas or movies. The story in a video game is everything to me and if a game doesn't have a good story, count me out. The story experience for Halo 3 and the overall Halo trilogy is amazing. The ending ( I don't want to say more for risk of spoiling it for people who haven't played ) left my jaw on the floor. The alliances that were formed and subsequently dissolved, the sense of urgency and the want to complete Master Chief's mission, and the overall mood of the battles completely immerse you and attach you to this world that bungie has created. The appeal of Halo 3 to most people is, and will always be in the multiplayer section of the game. People go absolutely crazy for it. It really takes alot for me to enjoy first person shooter's online. Games like Counter-Strike hold no appeal to me. But something about the Halo 3 online experience really gets me hooked and I can't quite put my finger on it. Overall, Halo 3 is a game that no lover of video games should miss. It doesn't matter if you like RTS, RPG, MMO, or sports games, it is very hard to hate the Halo games.