The annoying thing about Halo is the constant reference to it as a revolution. It is fun, but I've played better.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3 X360
It is too bad, really. The Halo franchise is one of the most popular in modern gaming. For what reason, I am not sure. After all, games like Gears of War and BioShock were really revolutionary FPSes, and they had to work for that title. On the other hand, the name Halo merits an instant 9. Sure, it deserves a high score. I know what challenges game makers face. Sound, graphics, and game play are all very very fun. However, there is nothing extraordinary about the game. Its well written, fun to play, and what else do you need, right? And I agree with that. I like it. But come on-its not a 10 (addressing user reviews). I don't care if you are the biggest Halo fanboy ever-pick up a copy of Gears of War, or even better, Final Fantasy VII, and tell me that Halo beats them. Look at Mass Effect and tell me Halo will be better. Halo is a reigning champ because of marketing-same reason Windows is one. The franchise ends well, but the AI was average, and it felt unreal. (And I mean in the gaming sense, I know that every single game set over 100 years in the future is unreal). Maybe aliens are all dumb, I don't know.

Bottom line, if you are a fan of FPSes or games in general, you will like this game. If you are a fan of Halo, you will love this game. But if you are looking for the one game you should buy this holiday, the one game that will revolutionize the gaming generation, look elsewhere. Halo ain't it.

Difficulty level is set to Just Right because of the adjustable difficulty. Play at your level and you will be fine.

No, I have not had a long chance to play the game. However, I have seen enough to know what I am talking about. I knew Gears of War was different in the first five minutes. Top that.

I wanted to classify it more then one way. It is the best in the series, it is overrated, it is just plain fun as much as it is disappointing. I think that Don't Believe the Hype says it best, but I encourage that you buy the game if you are just looking to have fun. Popularity equals more people on Live playing it.

Based on: Great Graphics, Good Storyline, Good Music, Good Sounds (including voice), Good Gameplay, Good Value, Average AI and Immerse Environment.

AI and Immerse Environment is a single category (that is to say, the game has Average Environment as well as AI, not Immerse Environment). It refers to how much the NPCs and enemies seem like people or whatever they are supposed to be-how they react, how they fight, whether they use tactics, etc.