Halo 3 ends the series perfectly. Including online play this game is amazing and flat out one of the best games of 07.
Overview: This game has been hyped since the end of Halo 2. What 2 failed at, Halo 3 has fixed and the result is jaw dropping. I'm going to skip the gameplay section due to the fact that it really hasn't been changed control wise. Story: This was the major problem with Halo2, the ending sucked. Well Halo3 picks up right where 2 left off. Master Chief and the Arbiter(spelling i know sue me)
team up to take down brutes and save the universe. The story fills all the holes that 2 left and uses story lines from the books and really finishes the story. Graphics:
The look of this game is similar to the other games of this series. Wide open areas look great and the locations are breath taking. Character models look fantastic and fit right in to the backgrounds. Still doesn't have the WOW factor to say Bioshock but it will still fits to the gameplay which is solid and addicting. Online:
Yeah other than Coop online, its the same as Halo2. Don't fix whats right.
Other Stuff:
Some big named actors and actresses lend their voices to the cast. The films make it like a pc game as someone films using FRAPS. Skulls are back and make the game near impossible if you use them. Map editing allows you to do some crazy stuff if you like stuff like Gray's Mod from Half-Life2. This games does so much its hard to sum it all up. In the End:
Its neck and neck with Bioshock when it comes to Game of the Year. I still give the edge to Bioshock because it's not a sequel. If you don't buy this or at least play it you have to be the biggest Sony fan boy on the planet. Killzone2 has nothing on this game and its not even out yet. In the End play this game or keep on hating it. As near perfect as you can get and will most likely beat out Bioshock for Game of the Year.