Very good game, but somewhat different from what I thought it would be.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
Don't get me wrong. This game IS good. The graphics are noticibly better, and live is always action-packed and without a dull moment. The only real things that get to me are the single-player modes which completely lack in the sense department.

Lets face it, Single Player could have been a hell of a lot better. The gameplay is better in 3 than in the other two (partially because of the weapons' rebalance, making the BR significantly less powerful), but the level design is kind of boring in the singleplayer. Earth would have been the better option for Bungie to make a battlefield, at least for half the game. The level design is repetetive and sometimes quite lacking in the imagination department, for example, the getaway chase. All throughout the drive at the end, I was sitting back in my chair, bored, because I just wanted to level to end. This is also a personal rating, I simply despise the controller and I prefer keyboard, but for the most part, my rating is determined by the lack of single-player variety, cryptic dialogue, and sub-maximal graphics. (I can get some older games running nicer on my Oblivion, FEAR)