
User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3 X360
hokay so this game is probably the **** so far of games til gears 2 comes out then idk but yeah this game is great because they have so many different ways u can custamize the way your carachter looks but you can also choose wether or not your player person is a female too. then the graphics and effects so far the grapichs are the best ive seen for the x box 360 because u got the grass gently flowing in the wind and then the water that actually moves the can carry your body which ever way it flows. then they have added some new weapons that completly kick @$$ (spartan lazer) cough cough anyways yeah they also braught back the assault rifle and the pistol form the first game and made hen a little strongerso overall that is the best weapon for a newb but then there is the pod cannon or at least thats what i call it idk if thats the actually name but anyways its like a faster version of the rocket laucher but istead of the rocket launcher locking on to vehicals this thing does which is weird but ok. as i mentioned earlier the spartan lazer is the best if get good with it which takes practice but it pays off. ohhhh and the energy sword they deffintly made that stronger i mean come one killing some one in one hit nooooo never lol but yeah that weapon is sweet and not hard to get good with. but there is so many other weapons that i dont have time for but im sure u already know about them if not im sorry but the last one i think i need to refrence is the gravity hammer that the brutes have or u just find laying around depending on the type of mode u are playing really good close up weapon completly usless at a certain distance trust me my friend was being retarted and got rid of all long range weapons and only used the hammer but yeah its still good for like sword duels or close range combat so dont underestimate it. then the modes the campaign its fun and not to hard but the flood still sucks and is really anoing so beware and the versus is the same in a sense but also completly different like the maps and the configuration of the maps but also the configuration of the games is alot better because it has so many more options and yes it will be confusing for like the first couple of time but ohhh is it sweet. but ill end on the note of some advice go through and beat campaign on every difficulty before u try to make your guy look uber sweet because u can unlock new armors for them