this is game is just the best game ever created....its that simple...the fact that it has a SOLID story AND a solid multiplayer is just amazing... love it...i have noticed that most of the people that do not like this game, own ps3's...they are just out-right jealous..i have to say that i would trade anything in life(excepf for famly) for this game. i lve the fact that u have the arbetor at your back throguh out the whole game...the entire game is full of suspense andkeeps you wanting more and more as every second passes. to me, nothing about this game is a let down.every aspect of this game lives up to its expectation.
Positives + Loads of fun multiplayer features + Wide variety of futuristic weapons + Graphics look great + Epic soundtrack + Variety of fun to drive vechiles Negatives - Without LIVE you won't get nearly as mu... Read Full Review
Not quite as good as it was hyped up to be, but a good waste of 60 bucks. It is definitely a good game, so all you people that are calling it perfect don't get mad, but based on all the hype and CONSTANT advertisements, ... Read Full Review