User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
All I can say is wow, what a great game! This is undoubtedly the top three best game Ive ever played, and this is coming from a guy who has played or owned just about every platform since atari. I think the best part about the game is the fact not much is changed in terms of gameplay feel from Halo and Halo 2, which is a good thing. The other great things about this game are:
- the next-gen graphics (Especially the HD), dynamic environments (you fight in the jungle, desert, snow, and in spacestions), -much smarter AI (both UNSC and Covenant), -you FINALLY get to destlroy the flood once and for all, -Outstanding mutliplayer yielding thousands of hours of replay value
The Bad about the game:
-FOr the last fight, it is short, as it can be beaten in about 6 hours easily in one sitting on normal difficulty,
-The STORY IS NOT CONCLUDED!!! WTF Bungie! The game ends with MC entering cryo-sleep alone with cortana, lost in space, whilst the Earthlings assume he is dead. MC's last words are "Wake me up when you need me," obviously hints towards future conflict.

Overall, Halo 3 is a very solid game worth buying for its mutliplayer, or definately worth a rent for its campaign at the very least.