Can at some points be the best game ever made, but at some points be let down..

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3 X360
Ok here we go with my halo 3 review, here is my analysis of ONLINE Gameplay:

Halo 3 Combines Intense online gaming, where you can play with stealth and pull off a victory, or you can play all guns blazing and pull off the victory in that manor. The graphics are of a very high quality and show off some of the powers of the 360, but i don't that GRAPHICALLY it compares to games such as GRAW2 and Gears of War.

Halo 3 online is not your ghost recon sort of game, played at a slow pace and takes time to aim, not very speedy sensitivity whilst aiming etc. It is completely different, personally i find it alot alike to Call of Duty 2, In the way it combines that sort of stealthy atmosphere with pure carnage. The Good About The Game's Online Play:
Great gameplay, very exciting and an keep you hooked for hours, scintillating maps have really made it something cool, The gametypes are a great mixture of what you would want to play, if your a team-player sort of tactical kind of gamers, then it'd be team tactical or team objective, but if your a headhunter who loves all out warfare then it'd be all team slayer. The raank system is very good and it is also really difficult to reach the top rank, but not only is it that you get your rank and trueskill, you have to keep your form consistent or you will start falling behind. The way you can edit badges, personal appearance and armor to customize your own character is very cool and gives your your own sort of identitiy.

The Bad About The Game's Online Play:
The lag can sometimes be hurrendous when playing people from around the world ( Me being from britain ) I find it very difficult and aggrivating when playing with americans, simply down to the fact that you cannot get a bullet in edgeways, you can go toe-to-toe with them, rip your magazine in his head, beat him down and then all of a sudden your on the floor "Usa Number 1 Beat you down" and it really can get frustrating. Bullet lag is the main problem; it is very rare you will have movement lagg on the game.
The game can sometimes seem awfully repetitive to you, some parts you feel is due to lag, but mainly is that the maps rotation is not very successful at all, i mean if you played all day then you would probably end up playing around 4-5 different maps, when theres a whole variety to choose from. If you play xbox live then this game is by far the top game of the moment for me, i find gears of war and call of duty 3 etc. very boring now, gears maps can only be played so many tiimes and the new maps are not the most exciting. Although taking nothing away from it, in it's time it was probably one of the best the 360 has seen and will see in a while.

Here is my analysis of OFFLINE Gameplay:
Hmm.. The single player..
Having only played it on difficulties of Legendary and Normal, i can only assess these two, and personally, if you don't do legendary on co-op then it will take you ages. whereas normal is so easy you could do it with your eyes closed. So i'm guessin heroic is what i reccommend. Anyway The actualy storyline from halo 1 - halo 3, I'm not sure about you but i have found it quite poor myself and i think this campaign is Not bad, but not particularly good. The Good About The Games Offline Play:
NO LAGG!!! Yesss [ OBVIOUS ] Yeah well, there's no lag which makes it that much SWEETER. But here are the main good points. It has some elements of excitement and fun, and rewards you with achievements each mission you do which i think is a good thing in the game, gives you something to keep playing it for.

The Bad About The Games Offline Play:
Not even the achievements coming everywhere can keep you satisfied long enough.There is no element of "WOWWW THERE'S PSYCHO'S I GOTA RUNNNNN" If you know what i mean, no adrenaline in it, its just walk around, kill, die, checkpoint kill next checkpoint DING achievement. Your team-mates AI is absolutely hurrendous, whatever difficulty. You would stand just as much chance if you did it alone, which is why i reccomend either xbox live or a friend in your house to help you complete it, cos hopefully your friend should be smarter.

Overall i think the game is a success but not quite lived up to the hype it had for the game. I think for all it's hype and it's superiority to people over every other game, they could have sorted more things out like the lagg etc. Although i'm sure they'll sort the millions of americans and british people's lag out sooner or later. I think personally that i would only reccomend buying this game if you are a member of xbox live, i not it would not be very entertaining for the price you would be paying.
