How many times will I hear the same effects and pointlessly MUDDLED story line?

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo 3 X360
I loved HALO since its pushed the envelope and set new standards back on the ORIGINAL XBOX. WE HAVE TO MOVE FORWARD. i mean how many of the same enemies will i be killing, and the same sound (which to mention sound like bottlecaps are low frequency popping at best). The graphical improvement is..well...quite sub-par (meaning its good, but not pushing the game especially the final version to the max.) At best its a sligh improvement over the last title. Weapons wise they are well balanced, however all the same and all sound terrible: espesially the rifles. The boards are fantastically made (most of them) expect some of the Flood levels which seem to be repetative and quite boring, amassing mindless flood enemies simply chasing after you. The A.I is top notch here, smart enemies. But ur comrades are complete IDIOTS and the Arbitor is as useless as blind Guide in the woods. Fun game play, co-op mode is always a blast. Online is fun; again though more of the same old, nothing really pushing it forward a few not to mentionable but fun additions. The vehechles are great sources of fun, plenty of driving, splits the on foot level designs quite well. Over all the game is Superb in facts of FUN/REPLAY VALUE FOR MULTIPLAYER/ it lacks a cohernt story line since day one, i cut thru all the cut scenes, there is nothing interesting about this story line, lets just get to the action. The Hype is insanse about it, and i do like the game, but nothing remotly close to write home about, since 90% has been all done and acommplished since HALO 1. Dont listen to the media hype, Rent first and find out for yourself.