So many ways to play it and all of them are fun to play Halo 3 will give you hours of fun like no other game on the 360

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Before I start this halo 3 review I think it is important to say that I am not a big fan of the halo franchise, but I've always considered the halo games good first person shooters.

After getting halo 3 during its midnight release date,and putting the game on my xbox 360, I feel a little bit dissappointed, and probably the reason was that in these days some of us think that a big game needs to have the best graphics I gaming console is capable to perform and if you've played games like gears of war or bioshock, then, you surely know the true potential of the xbox 360. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying halo 3 graphics are bad, in fact they are very good but doesn't equal the standards set by other graphical showpieces on the system. After getting that first impression I kept on playing the game and I just couldn't stop playing it for 3 hours, that is the moment when I realized why halo 3 is better than most of the other first person shooters you'll find on the market, The game is pure fun.

The halo 3 campaing, although not a very long one ( you can finish the game in 10-14 hours), is a lot of fun from beginning to end, a good thing is that you can change the difficulty level and play the campaing again,
what's even better is that you could actually play the campaing online with other 3 people and let me tell you something the legendary difficulty is so aggressive that even if you play together with other people you'll have a serious challenge.

The graphics are probably not the best you'll see on the xbox 360 but the outdoors environments look great, another good thing is that (graphically) the game gets better and better as you make progress in the campaing, I assume that the game is not very graphically impresive due to the big number of characters, items, vehicles, explosions that can be at the same moment in the same place, mix that to big environments and a steady frame-rate, and you will understand why, even so, the game is still impressive.

The music is one of the best parts of the game, and it really fits in the context of Halo 3, you will get a mix of new tracks and old tracks and together, as a whole, the soundtrack just feels right.
sound effects are great too, weapons, explosions, voices everything sound as it should in the halo universe.

the multiplayer is one of the best multiplayers you will ever find in any videogame, there are so many ways to play it (lone wolfs, big team, social matches, ranked matches, customs games), and for some strange reason everything is so fun to play. While playing online you'll level up and get experience and will be able to play against more skilled players, another nice addition is that you get special medals by achieving some specific objectives (kill an enemy from behind, kill 10 enemies without
getting killed etc.), a lot of effort went into creating this robust multiplayer, and I assure you that it would give you endless hours of fun.

There are other cool new additions that let you record your own videos and take pictures from the game and send them to your friends, these
kind of options will help into expanding the community feel of the already popular halo franchise.

So, if you wanna have a good time or should I say endless good times, buy this game, it's one of the best first persons shooters on any system an a must-have if you own an xbox 360