Finally confronting the Covenant on Earth for the last stand, the Master Chief must save his home. Starting with an incredible intro only the halo series could pull of your thrust right into battle with the Covenant. Featuring some new enemies as well as old ones, Halo 3 looks to wrap up the trilogy. You finally learn the story behind the dreaded flood and what is happening to the Covenant hierarchy. With some brand new weapons such as the brute mauler and maps the multi-player is where you'll find the bulk of your time being spent. With new map packs coming out every few months and special weekends/holidays the multi-player is kept fresh. As Bungie has been perfecting their match-making system since Halo 2 you find that this game is the perfect social experience. Recently they decided to add a new twist to the social lists and add the medal ranks so that you can be told apart from a newb. Out of the entire series I found Halo 3 to be the best and felt the other two games in it. With a story that keeps you sucked in until you've finished the fight you've got to check out Halo 3.
Positives + Loads of fun multiplayer features + Wide variety of futuristic weapons + Graphics look great + Epic soundtrack + Variety of fun to drive vechiles Negatives - Without LIVE you won't get nearly as mu... Read Full Review
Not quite as good as it was hyped up to be, but a good waste of 60 bucks. It is definitely a good game, so all you people that are calling it perfect don't get mad, but based on all the hype and CONSTANT advertisements, ... Read Full Review