This game was just awsome a wonderful multiplayer that still has hundreds of thousands people playing each day i love it

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
The campain of halo 3 will keep you coming back to it over and over again. The multiplayer is the best part of the game. A whole bunch of people are still playing it each day. This game is highly addictive and if your a die hard halo fan id recommend that you get this game. Even if you dont like the campain id still get it just for the multiplayer the game is awsome. I still play this game even though its been out for more than a year and i don't get bored. So get this game period. I recommended this game for game of the year because it deserves that title just plain awsome. But just because im a die hard halo fan that dosent mean i dont enjoy any other games. Like grand theft auto 4, gears of war 2, resistance 2, star wars the force unleashed and halo 3 are my top 5 game picks of all time until a new halo comes out anyway.