i play this one as they say its the best well its kinda cool xDhehe
game10/10 fun to shoot have many differeny weapons to play around with and when i kill my friend he beats me up oh well its ok dont worry
grapic10/10 beautiful cuz of stunning work of arts that the working team did the make this games so awesome in its imagerly
music8/10 music is solid some are ok some are good a few aer awesome because of this game a few songs are on my memory so u know its good
story9/10 good story about the monsters who are taking hostages hahah kidding but the story of this one is very good it makes me want to play more than i can before mom sends me to bed before i can shoot my friends well how bout she plays with me and me shots her than i laugh at her than she dont make me go bed because i want to play halo 2 or halo 3
replay10/10 MULTY PLAYER is fantacsitc becaue you can play online with anyone across the word and its just amazing because you can do that where many game you cant play people across the world only in your own home that is different than milityplayer