People who dont like Halo 3 either suck at it or dont have Xbox live

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 is easily the best of the three. Game play hasnt changed much if at all, which is good. They brought back the AR, added a few weapons, and changed some old ones. For example the needler is no longer a duel weapon but it's twice as srtong as before, its pretty funny how still even now players continue to complain about how its "bull" and its too strong. The sword is no longer aim and kill , especially when both you and your opponent have one, if this happens you will go into a sort of sword battle and you have either three options, one hope someone comes and helps you, two wait until he wins, or three immediatly after starting hit the b button because its faster and you wont stay locked in the sword battle.

For me the Campaign never seemed short for any of the halo games, i dont know what the minimum length is or who set it. Certain levels in campaign will annoy you and if you've done it already then you the ones i mean. Level two has you constantly runnng back and fourth in a base, appperantly you have to evac some soldiers and set off a bomb . However mess ups by your comrads will have you setting and resetting the bomb. Level eight dose the same thing only not as much, in fact only once. I dont know why other people dont like it, but I will tell you why I dont, I dont like the envirement because, well im a little clostraphlobic, and there are these giant new flood that turn into three things, one a giant spider that just sort of runs round, two a strong flood version of a brute, and finally a sort of flower that constantly shoots yellow lazers at you if you're in sight; they dont have ammo and trust me you will hate them.

Online is pretty damn good. Their are plenty of diffrent things to choose from for both begginers "newbs" and veterans "beast". For every match you win you get 1 exp, and those exp add up to promote you in a military rank. (I myself am a Colonel). However if you go on a long losing streak or quit a match then you will lose exp, this is a method to try and stop people from quiting, it works sometimes but lets face it when you're getting owned 40 to 0 you're not gonna stick around for the finishing touch. One new thing they added was the ability to customize your spartans armor.(Good maybe now everyone wont be master chief)

Halo 3 really is a good game and like i said if you dont like it then you either suck or you have'nt played online. The only reason why i dont give this game a perfect ten is because of the campaign, I just really dont like that eighth level. I would give it a 9.8 but gamespot has apperantly decided to be less cool and make it zero and five's only.Ps:my gamertag is MikeDaMexycan in case you need help with some achievements. [cause i got em all :)]