Everything you'd want in a game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Surprisingly, I wasn't terribly excited for Halo 3, so don't worry; I'm not a fanboy with a bias opinion. My only prior Halo experience was a few hours of Halo 2, and I didn't enjoy it that much. I knew I had to pick up Halo 3 since I owned a X360 so I gave it a shot and boy am I glad.

GOOD: great multi-player, variation in gameplay, refined sound and graphics; I could follow the game plot without knowing the whole story.

BAD: respawn locations can be annoying, it ruins people's lives because all the do is play Halo 3.

GAMEPLAY: The basic gameplay of Halo has a lot of options and natural controls to fit it. The dual wield, grenades and jumping are all suited for furious fire fights, in which you'll encounter many different enemies with different weapons and in different vehicles. Guess what? There's a whole lotta different ways to kill them! It will definitely take some skill and strategy, especially if you're playing on harder difficulties. The 4 difficulties range from your computer allies playing the game for you to nearly impossible battles that will test your heroism. Aside from the shooting portion of this FPS, vehicle sequences and interesting environments provide change and enjoyment to this game, like roaming the desert in a scorpion tank, destroying all in your path.

MULTI-PLAYER: Halo 3 could be named the most anticipated MP game in 2007 and I say it lives up to that standard. There are countless game types you can enjoy with a buddy or a group of friends. You can choose from ranked games, unranked games or campaign. There are objective and death matches, 2v2 to 8v8, whatever you're in the mood for. The ranking system really makes the matches fair, but at the same time competitive. You're level fluctuates up and down, depending on your performance, keeping you against those equally skilled, but your rank, based on number of games won, continually rises as you play more games. All of these qualities put together keeps you glued to the screen.

GAME ENGINE: When all is said and done, all the small but important components of Halo 3 mesh very smoothly. The graphics are up to par with the modern standards, which really helps the overall feel of a game. The sound is sharp and the voice acting strong. Artificial intelligence was particularly advanced, as it was a focus for the developers. This ensures that your foes will react to your movements and there are few glitches making it either incredibly easy or impossibly hard to accomplish a goal. One problem you may face is with the checkpoints. The checkpoints are often so you don't have to worry about that, but they are triggered by time or completing goals, not at specific locations. So say if you were in a vehicle riding along a cliff side, and you had just competed a goal. A checkpoint would be awarded, but a second after your computer driver drove you off the cliff. You would continuously respawn half-way off the cliff, which may impede your progress. Other than that Halo 3 is a well tweaked game.

Halo 3 is a game with a lot of substance that you can play for hours to come. Everybody has it, and it's pretty obvious why. I would say the biggest must own for 360 owners.