Not the best game ever, but VERY VERY FUN!

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
I've never really played Halo (PS2 owner) before Halo 3 and I've never been much of an online player, but Halo 3 has changed that. It is so addicting. It is so fun that you always want to play just 1 more round, which turns into 10 more rounds and another hour down the drain. It is awesome getting multiple TV's and 360's at one house to play multiplayer, or just hook up with your friends online and play.

The multiplayer setup is by far the best on any game I have ever played. It is easy to set up matches, find matches, make custom games, hook up with friends, etc. There is never a glitch while playing multi. It is always so smooth. 10/10

The campaign mode is cool, but not as cool as COD4. Shooting aliens gets a little old, but there is some good variety to it. Overall 9/10

The graphics in the game are pretty good. Textures, environments, guns, vehicles, and other players all look pretty good. The cut-scenes are not very pretty. I think God of War 1 & 2 cut scenes look much better. Overall 9/10

Sound - The music during campaign is pretty cool. The explosions are cool, voices are pretty good, and the cries of dying aliens are great. Overall 9/10

I almost forgot game play. I like a lot of things that Halo 3 has, but I also like a lot of things other games have (Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, COD4, etc.) The game is just smooth. Movement is fluid. It never glitches. Your guy is very responsive. Overall 10/10

Is Halo 3 the best game ever? I don't think I would say that. But don't listen to the Halo haters. This is a VERY fun and VERY addicting game. 2 months later we are still having Halo parties, and I'm sure we won't stop for a very long time. Well worth the $60 Overall grade - 9.5