Near perfect online play, okay campaign

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
I feel like I'm kind of betraying myself here because I used to absolutley hate the Halo series. This one though did a 180 for me with the additional weapons, ranking system, and well planned maps. The online play though does have one downside to it though, some players have glitchy connections. When that happens you'll see you're opponent "morph"(for lack of a better term) from one side of the screen to another. I've been on both ends of this glitch and it's not fair either way. The glitcher doesn't deserve the kill and the victim doesn't deserve to be killed that way unless they're tea baggin everyone.
The Campaign is okay, my opinion on it really has nothing to do with gameplay or graphics(which by the way are very good on this game). I just hate fighting the flood. They look like walking shit. Other than that most people probably like the campaign very well. In summary it's a game very worthy of the 59.99 price.