Screw the Covenant, fight each other

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3 X360
First and Foremost...The multiplayer is the only thing worth playing.
The story is... okay... i guess, very weak. Its a repeat of the other two games. Just instead of a halo, its a fucking halo building machine.
I have to admit, I'm a little bias because I read the books and surprisingly their excellent. They go so deep into the world that when I play the game, it just doesn't measure up.
The story is worth playing, especially if you skip the cortana level, just to be in the loop. but all in all... disappointing.
The game was also too pretty. I had never really noticed how ridiculously colourful the covenant army is. It's horrid, no thought when into the fact that maybe the covenant would be fighting on alien plants and required some sort of camouflage other then their active camo generators.
On top of that, even on the 360, the AI just jump around like morons and no form of strategy can be used, other then biggest gun takes the cake.
One the other hand the multiplayer is satifying. The rank system makes sense this time around. The reason its so fun? other players, sure bungie should take some credit for making the game, but it's just playing with intelligent enemies that makes it fun. The maps are fun, and even the new ma pack looks exciting.
Then being able to further change the multiplayer to **** over your friends. awesome.

All-in-all. halo: not enough thought, to many five year-olds designing bad guys, and a way to loyal audience.
Hi-Five for Halo 3 multiplayer