great, but not the greatest, a bit of a letdown
but here is the good stuff
there is a great variety of weapons and enemies all the old favourites are back, plus the grunts are hilarious.
the arbiter is back and is an AI partner and in co-op player 2 will play as him but his AI is STUPID he just stands there and follows you around so play in co-op, and the story is better than halo 2's but not as good as combat evolved's, and the forge map editor is fantastic and a great addition to the halo franchise.
and the theater is fun everything youve done will be filmed campaign missions multiplayer matches and forge videos which you can edit, send to friends and share over xbox live which is awesome.
but the best thing about halo 3 that made halo 2 such a mega hit is MULTIPLAYER, you can play as a spartan or elite and customise how it looks, and includes great multiplayer maps with most probably all weapons from the campaign. there are modes like lone wolf which is free for all, team slayer which is team deathmatch, plus modes like capture the flag and more.
so if this game didnt have the problems i mentioned at the start of this review it would be 10 out of 10 but it does have problems so its an 8.5 from me.