
User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
this game is omg the best trilogy game ever. but its campaign is the one that brings it down to a 9.5. in the campaign i really disliked the cortana level because it wasnt fun. all the other levels were fun like the first one that really brought u back into what is happening in halo. the multiplayer on the other hand is outstanding i mean best 360 multiplayer game by far. this game will probably win game of the year. the only thing bad about the multiplayer is the new weapon the mauler i think that brought the multiplayer down compared to halo 2. the mauler is like a mini shotgun and we dont need to shotguns in halo 3. also the double shots and bxrs are gone...disappointing bungie. but overall this game is awesome. but im happy that this was good i cant wait till mlg. by far halo 2 is the best xbox multiplayer game of all time. im gonna be intregued by whats going to happen at mlg 08.