A remarkable acheivmant and a good improvement from Halo 2; overall a splendid classic reccommended to anyone.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
To start lets just say that Halo 3 is a solid games, new features, more balanced gameplay, plus tweaks here and there. With new modes such as Forge and Theater, i beleive it brings the gaming community together to enjoy unforgettable moments. Even though at first, these new features don't seem like much, they have so many variables that keep you coming with better ideas for maps and whatnot. But besides the smaller things, the campaign still follows the story ark of the previous two and continues right from Halo 2. Halo 2 offered campaign problems such as a short and crappy cliffhanger ending, but Halo 3 does not have that problem. Every level keep you coming with different weapons, enemies, vehicles, terrain, and more. The story is long enough to have most players satisfied, and the each level has new things to do rather than just shooting grunts and the flood. On the multiplayer side, this is probably the thing that intrigues me. Not only is it a superb multiplayer, but it is also the endless custimazations that really personalize your experience. There are many game types and exciting maps, though the maps aren't personal favorites. One wideworld known problem is the melee in Halo 3. This was not fixed from H2, and still annoys the crap out of the majority of players. It is a very unbalanced system where it does too much damage. But the best thing is that the cheating in Halo 2 was completely fixed. On the technical side, i'd have to say Halo 3 isn't that great looking of a game. The gameplay does not look that good, but the cutscenes are just amazing. I feel like Bungie went 3/4 the mile after Halo 2. Even gameplay wise is just nothing new; from H1, the gameplay set the tone for future games, but today, it is somewhat old. Bungie needs to make it more interesting and realistic. Through and Through, Halo 3 is a solid games with all these small things and small problems, but the bigger picture is the halo i know of. Bungie, continue to stick with the right formula.