Beautiful and astounding but what happens now?

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Gameplay was great, Multiplayer remains a favorite, Graphics are mind blowing and overwhelming, Story line was terrific, and full of tear jekig moments! What's it possibly missing? A sequel... What will we do now that we know how the world ends...? I know I'm going to miss my favorite franchise ever... So this game is definetly a must buy, It makes the Halo series proud! All we can do is hope Bungie finds a way to top themselves. The world will seem a much darker place without the adventures of Master Chief to light the way... Besides the lack of a sequel, but something I hope bungie fixes soon via patch or DLC, One last thing that annoys me is the lack of Ranked Big Team Battle matches Online, That was kind of a let down, I miss the massive war feeling that had to it and the explosive battles I had with that setting on Halo 2.