Mixed reactions, but most of them pretty positive.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
Wow so Halo 3, finally here. So lets just cut the intro and get to the review. Halo 3 really just blow right by and after playing the campaign once you look at the story and think: mayby halo 2's cliff hanger wasn't too bad. Yes the story kind of ended. But I dont know. Campagin with no doubt still has the awesome replay value with bonus features. The mutiplayer is were the game is at. You can never get tired of it. Anyways lets break up the review:

Graphics 8.5/10: This isn't Halo 2.5. Its really Halo HD. Nuff said. just kidding. So yeah thats graphics but the game enviorment was much like Halo 1. I didn't like that b/c of the repetiveness.

gameplay 9/10: Glad Bungie stayed with the old controllers but with tweaks. Tweaks that make the game so much more comfortable.

Sound/music 8.5/10: Surprize surprize. Halo games always have awesome music. In halo 3 it felt like bungie had a feeling everyone was going to listen their own music or just play multiplayer 24/7.

Value/replay value 9/10: You get what you buy. You have all the extra features such as forge and uhhh that feature were u replay your gameplay.

Overall: 9/10 I feel really "meh" about Halo 3 and honestly i liked Halo 2's storyline and campaign a lot better. But in muliplayer Halo 3 owns and the campaign comes close to halo 2. Its worth getting, i guess if you enjoyed halo 2.