You know a game is good when it has 11 tabs on gamespot.
Alot of people give this game a bad review because of the single player.....WHO CARES ABOUT SINGLE PLAYER!!!!!!! If u own an xbox 360 and u dont have xbox live then u should be admitted to a mental institution where britney spears will try to eat your fingers off starting from the one inbetween your middle finger and your little finger, you know, the one you cant bend down unless another finger goes down with it?
Well anyway.........Halo3 is a good game and multiplayer vehicles......ya know.
The best part of the game is deffintly rocket race, i dont know who came up with it but it pwns......alot. Rocket race is a vip type of game where everyone is split up into two teams on sandtrap with a mongoose and unlimited rocket launcher ammo. Everyone trys to get the set point on their mongooses (he he mongooses) while blowing the crap out of everyone else.