Halo 3 definetly didn't live up to the hype, but is still a good game and worth playing.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 is a good game that in my opinion didn't live up to all of the hype. But, thats not really saying much since the hype was so tremendous that anything close to it is a very good game. The story did an ok job of closing the story but also left us in some way thinking that there gonna make another one which ticks me off because theres a less than zero chance that there going to make another one. The gameplay was fun and the game is general is pretty difficult on the higher settings. Even on normal the game puts up a decent fight and to beat the game on legendary you either have to have a lot of alone time or you'll need to play on co-op which isn't that bad because thats a lot of fun. Of course the multiplayer is nasty and addictive and if you have it you'll be playing a lot if it. Even though no game could have lived up to that hype it came pretty close so Halo 3 gets a 9 in my opinion.