Not as revolutionary as Halo but a great "Next Gen" addition to the series.
The Halo series has always been a smooth, semi-sandbox style FPS with a very typical feel to the controls and general action and this is no different. Halo 3 really moves things on in the drama stakes with superb set peices like taking down the Scarab on foot!
I guess one of my issues is with with the Covenant being a little bit well....wet. I just don't find them a threatening enemy in the same way the Helghast or Locust. Sure some of them are tough to beat but they never inject fear or any sort of hatred, in fact they openly and intentionally make some of them comical. Not wrong exactly - just not my cup of tea.
Graphics - not technically amazing but well designed, smooth and generally very good
Sound - Typical Halo fare which is solid, great musical scores and generally top notch
Overall - a fantastic game. While I still find it difficult to really connect with the Halo story, it's great fun to play.