Halo 3 is much better than Halos 2 and 1, and it's many game modes make it good for almost anyone.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 has many game modes, Campaign, Matchmaking, Custom Games, Forge, and Theater. 1 custom game called Infection is one of the BEST THINGS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you get Halo 3, try it out. Campaign is really fun, (the best Halo campaign yet!) but not the best thing on Halo 3. Matchmaking provides players for games if you don't have any for a custom game, but if you do have people for a custom game, it's much better to me so I recommend it (unless you want to make friends, or something); try both to see which one you like better. Forge allows you to edit maps, which means you can create structures and choose where vehicles, weapons, and respawn points are. But if you're going to forge a map, I recommend doing it by yourself though. Theater lets you replay and save videos; it lets you take screenshots too. Halo 3 deserves at least an 8.5, but I give it a 9.5 out of 10.