Unlike any in the franchies. : D
Halo 3 is the most epic conclusion of the trilogy, for now.
After playing through the entire campaing, your itching for more.
Awsome story.
Awsome Multi-player.
And to top it all, EPIC MUSIC!
Good- The graphics system shows what the Xbox360 can do, the sounds of the vehicals and guns sound fantastic other then the last game, new gadgets to help you in combat, the assault rifle from Halo combat evolved comes back, new vehicals like the Atv or monguse, Music makes a serious return, easter eggs all around you like the easter egg on rat's nest in the single player where the popular series Red v.s Blue makes a aperance. This new thing called the theater allows you to look over your best moments in single or muti-player, the once invincible scarab is no more unstoppable, big enviorments, big and still growing multi-player, a new system called forge allows you to create or re-create stuff in every map, the story blends in with the gamplay, tons of replay value, you can play with your friends in the solo player and find hidden stuff like skulls, or just hang out on your favorite level.
once again big changes have flaws.
Bad-the enviorment has a few minor and delayed texture pop ins unlike halo 2, the characters look like action figures, the assault rifle doesn't sound powerful at all, the gadgets are deployed using the X button and the controls had been changed.
Although this might be the best xbox360 game, it's still my favorite game, but nothing close to Halo combat evolved.
Final score a big
9.5 total sucess!