Good game but not what I was hoping for.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 is a great game, but there are a few things that irk me and get on my nerves. First of all, this is just personal opinion but in Halo 2 I really loved dual wielding and using different combos of guns, though in Halo 3's multiplayer grenade spam is where it's at. This gets very annoying in close quarter conditions and almost completely removes the practicality of dual wielding. Secondly co-op, more specifically the 4 player co-op is way to easy, even on legendary because even if 3 people die, the last person can just run away and everyone spawns with a healthy amount of ammo and fairly good and sometimes really good guns. This can be exploited a lot on some levels where you spawn with the sword or shotgun when you run out of ammo or to equip everyone with very powerful guns. Last and least (no not a typo) is that the pistol has yet again been changed and is now completely useless and in multiplayer you start with the assault rifle which is just a terrible starting weapon.

Now onto graphics, sound, etc.

The graphics in Halo 3 are great. Awesome lighting, shadows, and particle effects. The only thing that I have trouble getting around is that the whole game looks and feels kind of cartoonish.

The sounds are also great. The sound from guns sound sweet and the alien guns all have cool and unique sounds. On some levels and multiplayer games, there are explosions going off everywhere (grenade spam >.