One of the best luanch games i have seen for a console in a long time

User Rating: 9.4 | Halo (Xbox Collection) XBOX
Probably one of the most spectacular games to be released for a console and put a bench mark for all fps games to be like. It also gave us a new huge character that would become as famous as link from legend of zelda and mario from super mario series.
The master chief a world wde icon which no one has seen his true face just the awesome armor he wears and the amazing helmet that is quite truely breath taking. Halo is all about the fight for survival of the human race after venturing deep into the universe they have met the covenant, an alien race with millions of different types of troops and a highly developed understnding of technology.

The human race flee from a covenanta ship and are attacked by them while tryin to understand wot this ring shaped planet is and why the covenant is tryin to protect it so bad.

The graphics are amazing and brilliant, the story is out of this world and truely origanal. this game rocks if you havent played already play it.