Playing on an AMD 1800XP system w/GeForce4/Ti4600 graphics I had NO problems running this game nicely at 800x600 -is totally smooth! At 1024x768 I did notice less than average performance on frame rates. Graphics aren't that complex, so I can see why it doesn't run smoother. However I usually prefer to play my FPS's at 800x600 alot of times, so it's no big deal with me. Ok simma down na....I really didn't think this game would come close to impress me. Figured just because it was big for the Xbox consoles, it wouldn't probably hold up against the many other great FPS's that have run across my PC! I started watching the movies on Gamespot and gradually did get interested, so when I found it on sale for $39 I felt it was a good value for a brand new game. (I probably wouldn't had bought it if I had to pay the full $49) Well I was surprised because I was VERY impressed with Halo. It has a really great story, wonderfully done cut scenes, simple controls,and the best part is the variety of vehicles that make it extremely fun,& addictive to play! I haven't yet tried the MP version online... So if you have a good gaming PC and ever liked Half Life, you'll really get a blast out of this game,it's really fun, and DOES hold it's own darn well on the PC! Cheers!!! -JK-
So, it’s come to this… a rainy Saturday where I suddenly decide to wear off my reviewing slump and come back with a bang. And the game I’ve decided to review, is, obviously, the PC version of Halo, which you probably alr... Read Full Review
The original Xbox game released by Bungie, has been ported by Gearbox Software, developers of Brothers in Arms, a popular World War 2 shooter. Microsoft Game Studios helped out in the effort, but is this game really wort... Read Full Review