Framerates from hell!

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
oh hype you truely do make games seem like there going to be good but really its not ok here we go.

1.the framerates in single player is really really really bad.

2.ALMOST all servers LAG insanely bad the on servers that dont lag are the ones not hosted by the players but hosted by a server.

3. Driving is like driving on ICE ok your car slips and slides way to much but to over compinsate for that they gave the cars invinceability, gun with unlimited ammo and speed but the invicebaility is probley bad because you take the damage and not the car

4. No spawn protection=snipers kill you alot or spawn campers.

5.Team Killers ya there is a 50 percent chance you will run into and team killer and he will start killing your team off while snipers and other guys are assaulting your base.

6. weapons just need a little tune up in accuracy

ok if you can truelly get past all that this game will be good
for you but not by much